faqbuddy - FAQBuddy: Instant, Secure, and Free FAQ Management! | Product Hunt


your ultimate faq solution for

Version: v0.9.1


File Upload Questions

File Upload Questions

Upload your FAQs easily via Word Docx, Markdown, Excel, or manually with our seamless and fast file upload feature.

If you want to learn more, go to the docs on how each file should be made or you can go to this page and get downloads for what each file should look like.


faqbuddy Dashboard

Use faqbuddy outside of Discord with the faqbuddy Dashboard. Edit, add, or delete FAQs right on the web.

Manage FAQs across multiple servers and soon, add files just like with the /addfaq command.

Ask faqbuddy

Ask faqbuddy

Get your FAQs answered (after you uploaded some) by either @mentioning the bot (e.g., @faqbuddy what is...) or using the /ask command.

Watch the GIF

More commands can be found in the docs.

Powered By faqbuddy

Powered By faqbuddy

faqbuddy AI uses OpenAI's GPT-4 models and vector technology.

Runs on our dedicated hardware, ensuring security with a self-hosted Supabase instance and intense firewall protection.

trusted by these communities


Pricing Free

free for life

faqbuddy is free for life thanks to the efficiency of GPT models. Paying for this essential service isn't necessary.

faqbuddy was created because no one should pay for GPT wrappers. If you've spent $5 for 100 responses, you've been scammed.